A two-year old little girl wearing a blue onesie with the words "BE Precious" on it in white.


What if instead of capturing action shots, GoPro decided to capture family moments.
A cyclist going under an underpass while the posters for Go Pro are shown behind in succession.


Change perspective of an existing brand. Take what they don't have and expand on it.


When looking at how to rebrand gopro. I thought about what makes gopro, gopro. Sports, moving shots. risk taking, action, an overall sense of excitement. Having such a strong brand presence would prove difficult. However I came upon the idea of [who buys gopros and for what purpose]. Families. Purpose: to capture moments otherwise fleeting.


An identity that lends itself seamlessly to it's tagline. Staying true to gopros’, “Be a Hero,” yet evolving it into a more open ended concept. Bringing forth more unity within gopros community as well as extend it’s reach out towards new frontiers. Mirroring images to help emphasize that idea.
GoPro. Be a hero. logo and tagline
New GoPro logo gold
“The party you attended where you met, we were there. Your first beach outing together, we went with you. That time you crashed a wedding and got chased out, we ran with you. That night on the car watching the stars, we saw them too. Your engagement announcement, we sat across from you. Your wedding, we danced with you. That crazy car ride to the hospital, we held your hand. The hours waiting, we waited with you. Finally, that moment, that one moment, where it all comes together. We are there with you, to capture it all, and more. Be a hero. Their hero.”
A toddler playing with a frog doll wearing a gold sand colored onesie with the tag "Be curious." printed in white in front."
White seater on a wooden hanger. The logo "gopro" is printed in blue on the bottom stretch.Four images arranged in columns of a girl dancing with sunglasses and a red sweater with the words "Be Fabulous" on the front.
A street poster with the image of a dad holding their approximately four year old daughter in the air during the day. The image is repeated four times within the poster. The words: "Be hilarious." sits atop of the image with the logo for GoPro on the top right corner.